
  • New Band “Mojo Blanc”

    New Band “Mojo Blanc”

    Well I tried to get a band with this name off the ground in Vail a number of years ago and due to distractions and life changes it never happened. I’ve always liked the name and after partnering with singer Jackie Turner here in the south bay I’ve launched the name, with a band of course, πŸ™‚ again!

    I’m on bass guitar in this band with some contribution on acoustic guitar.
    I’ve got a fledgling website at and we’ve played out a couple of times to rave reviews. We are playing two shows this week end at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, CA. I’ve included a video of us a couple of Saturdays ago playing at the Fairmont. We’re getting calls for more and more dates and bookings this summer so its all looking good for now. Stay tuned…

  • Having Fun at Club Fox, Redwood City, CA.

    Having Fun at Club Fox, Redwood City, CA.

    My wife and I stopped in for the Wednesday night jam at Club Fox. I always love the vibe at this venue. I was asked to play bass guitar so this is me with a group of jammers. Good fun for sure!

  • Last Minute Gig

    Last Minute Gig

    Jan.29th Facebook Post: –Β Last minute gig tonight at Milk Bar on Haight St. with “Doc Roberts and Strange Brew”. Featuring Miles Schon on guitar. Strat and Kurzweil are my assignments πŸ™‚

    Very exciting last two weeks for me. Getting to go to the NAMM show and perform with the Miles Schon Band was way cool. Then last nights β€œlast minute” gig in the Haight Ashbury district in San Francisco was great fun too. I’m now on keyboards full time when I work with Miles and remembering old keyboard chops and developing new ones has been very cool!

    Next Friday the Miles Schon Band will be back at the Fenix in San Rafael. This is a really nice live music venue. I’m looking forward to it!

    All the best,



  • Mile Schon Band at NAMM

    Mile Schon Band at NAMM

    So after years of hearing about the NAMM show (National Association of Music Merchants) in the Anaheim CA convention center. I finally went. The Miles Schon Band was booked and I initially thought I’d skip the convention and just show up for the gig.

    I got so excited hearing about the convention from other musicians though I ended up going three full days! What a kick for a gear head like me. Tons and tons and tons of cool new equipment coming out in 2014. I really don’t need anything new but thats never stopped me from buying new gear before πŸ™‚

    The bands performance went great and I’m already looking forward to next year!

    All the best to everyone,


  • The Latest From Wil and The Miles Schon Band

    Wow, what a ride. The summer has wound down here and I’m so stoked to still be in the Miles Schon band. I feel like I’m finally getting my keyboard parts and rhythm guitar parts solid. The venues we are starting to play are getting bigger and more boutique. What fun!! I’ve set up a website for the band at We’ve finally got a decent promo video too. I’ll include it below.

    I’ve started to work solo at The Fairmont Hotel in San Jose too. Thats a beautiful place to make music. I’m even working the farmers markets still and enjoying that.

    Things are rolling along after a year of working to get established in this new area. This is the 3rd time my wife and I have moved in 7 years. I think I’m getting better at marketing myself and finding the great gigs in a new area. I had to do that the first year or two in Vail but once established its pretty easy to keep the gigs coming in and the next 8 years of booking myself in Vail were a breeze. Once again though my wife’s job is changing and it looks like we could be moving. At least my marketing skills are improving and if we go somewhere new I’ll know what to do.

    Till then I’ll keep plugging away in the Silicon Valley and looking forward to the Ritz in Lake Tahoe starting their winter season soon. The Miles Schon Band has a performance I’m looking forward to at Club Fox in Redwood City on Nov 8th. Thats a terrific venue for live music.

    All the best to everyone and here’s the latest Miles Schon Band video below.



  • Mexico Trip

    Back in San Miguel De Allende, Mexico for a visit. Heading out to an open mic night tonight. All kinds of great food and great scenery!




  • Vegas and Tahoe

    What an awesome but tiring week. First, I drove from San Jose to Big Bear Lake, California to visit some long time friends who I used to SCUBA dive with back in the early 90s (Do you guys remember the 1900s?). What a treat to see Loren and Patty again! I had never met their 16 year old son Conor. Just shows you how long its been since I saw them last. They are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met.

    Barbecue on Big Bear Lake with great friends!
    Barbecue on Big Bear Lake with great friends!

    Then on to Las Vegas where I played keyboards and guitar with “The Miles Schon Band”. We were playing in the Lounge at The Palms Hotel and Miles’s dad Neil Schon (founding member of Journey) was playing with Journey in the main concert hall. After they’re show the band came over to watch us. Very exciting for me and I’m still a bit star struck with the whole thing. I’m starting to calm down though LOL.

    Then yesterday morning I got up early (just a few hours sleep from performing the night before) and drove 8 hours north through the desert to Lake Tahoe for a weekend of solo performances at the Ritz Carlton in the Northstar ski resort. I’m being reminded that travel is a big part of being a full time musician. Thankfully I love to travel πŸ™‚

    I hope you guys have a nice Labor day week end and thanks again for subscribing to this blog!


    This was “The Lounge at The Palms” where we played.
    Marquee at The Palms Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
    Marquee at The Palms Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
    View of the Desert
    Driving from Big Bear Lake back down to the desert and Las Vegas!




  • Urban Village Farmers Market – Castro Valley, CA

    4 hours of sleep from last night with Miles Schon and I’m “selling my wares” at the Market this morning. Thank heavens for strong coffee! πŸ™‚


  • Tonight in San Rafael with The Miles Schon Band

    Tonight in San Rafael with The Miles Schon Band

    I’m looking forward to another night with the Miles Schon Band at the Fenix Supper Club in San Rafael tonight. This is what it will look like on my end. It’s always so “black and white” in my world πŸ™‚