Summer News and Gigs this Week End

What a whirlwind summer! Lots of action and gigs with different band line ups and new solo venues for me. I just started working my first (hopefully regular) solo gig in San Francisco at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. I think it went OK. Nobody told me to leave (LOL) and a few people put cash in my tip jar. Thats always a good sign….. ha.

I played twice at the Gilroy Garlic Festival last week end. Yee Ha! On one stage with a country band ( I was on acoustic guitar) and on bass guitar at the amphi theatre stage with the Lara Price band “Velvet Plum” (featured image for this post)

I’m thrilled to be on bass this summer in Lara Prices’s band. This is a really fun, creative band to play with. The vocals in the band are one of the high lights too. If you get a chance come see us at one of the Capitola or Santa Cruz area gigs we do. You will have fun I promise! Ha….

Here is the low down for this week end if your around:

  • Friday night at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose my band “Mojo Blanc” will be performing classic rock and funk covers from 9pm to midnight.
  • Saturday I have a private solo gig in Marin. Sorry you can’t come….
  • Sunday I’m solo at the Palo Alto Urban Village Farmers Market from 9am to 1pm.