Category: Travel

  • Mexico Trip

    Back in San Miguel De Allende, Mexico for a visit. Heading out to an open mic night tonight. All kinds of great food and great scenery!




  • Singapore for Easter?

    Wil in SingaporeSo my wife and I went to Singapore for Easter.
    Whats up with that? Paris for St. Paddy’s and now Easter in Asia. No particular reason. We are not trying to get out of Dublin on Catholic holidays. On top of that we are sitting in a tapas bar listening to Cuban music in Singapore. Cultural overload!! I love the Cuban grooves. I wonder if I could do them justice as a solo. Might try someday 🙂

  • Paris for St Patrick’s Day?

    So we decided to get out of town for the St Patrick’s day week end. I know I should be working in a pub in Dublin somewhere but I’ve worked them before. I’ve never seen a St Patrick’s day in Paris 🙂
    A crepe and expresso by the Madeleine is what I’m enjoying today! I hope my friends working the crowds in Ireland have a great week end though. I’ll be chillin with my wife in Paris.